How to Optimize Your Site’s Ranking in Google

Nowadays, if you are serious about your business, whether big or small, you have to cultivate a strong online presence. This includes anything from having a website, blog, as well as all relevant social media accounts. Speaking of your website, it’s basically the online window to your shop, and getting it ranked as high as possible on Google should be your ultimate goal.

Now, while you may not have to start with web testing right away in order to improve your ranking, there are plenty of other things you can do to get your website on the first page of Google. According to research done by Backlinko, the top-ranked Google result receives 31.7% of clicks, while the second receives only .78%, which is why you need to start implementing the following tips today:

1. Improve Your On-Page SEO

As much as 57% of marketing executives maintain that on-page content development is the most effective SEO tactic. Whether your business involves assignment writing help or dropshipping, the first thing you need to do is to optimize your website around your target keywords. While the days of keyword stuffing your content are long gone, you still need to sprinkle them all throughout your text. It’s simply a way of telling Google what your website is about.

Also, try and “frontload” your keyword, which means keeping it as close as possible to the beginning of your title tag, since Google focuses more on terms that show up early in the title. Finally, pay attention to the word count, because long-form content tends to rank better. Of course, if you have an online shop, that’s going to be hard to pull off, but you can set up a separate blog section and beef up your content and on-page SEO there.

2. Keep Track of the Right SEO Metrics

Places like Essaygeeksare able to get ahead of the competitors because they keep track of how each of the changes and SEO guidelines is affecting their ranking. This means keeping an eye on all the relevant SEO metrics, such as organic traffic. Now, organic traffic used to be responsible for generating most of your traffic volume, but depending on your business, paid ads and social media traffic can be just as important, which means you need to track those as well. The simplest way to track all of these metrics would be to use Google Analytics, which can provide you with more insight than you will ever need.

3. Produce High-Quality Content

This one is pretty obvious, but how do you go about it? Well, we have already touched on it when we said that you should publish long-form content. For example, services like  produce great long-form content that is based on data, research, and stats. If possible, become a data source for other businesses and websites. Create content that is in-depth, relevant, and useful for the people reading it. Google will pick up on this, and it will boost your ranking. Of course, much like all effective SEO strategies, this is a long game, but one that’s produces lasting results, unlike the majority of paid methods.

4. Build Backlinks

Once you have all this great content, you need to our there in front of people. “If you build it, they will come” approach doesn’t work here, simply because there is too much content out there, which means you need to actively promote your website. First, look online for dead links. Once you find one, send an email to the webmaster and let them know that the link is broken, plus offer a piece of content you have authored that would make for a good replacement. Second, you can write a guest post on a relevant blog in your niche, which will expose you to a new audience and drive more traffic to your website.

5. Be Active on Social Media

One of the things search engines, and especially Google, look at when ranking your website is your social media activity. More specifically, they analyze if your posts are frequent and up-to-date, as well as how many shares your website gets on social media. To get started, you can simply share a few links to your website, and then tag some of your friends. This means that not only those friends will see your posts, but also others that are friends with them. And depending on who you tag and how many friends they have on social media, your posts can be seen by thousands of people in no time.

And there you have it, five effective tips on how to improve your site’s ranking on Google. Start using them today. Good luck!

By Admin

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