Investment company

Most investment companies in Australia concentrate on energy and natural resources because the country is abundant with them.

An Investment company in Australia is distinct because the sector and market are smaller, and investment bankers focus on individual projects rather than trying to pack everything into their heads.

Equities (Stocks)

Buying stocks such as publicly traded shares can give large profits, generating significant losses, making it a hazardous asset type. In addition, shares are susceptible to price swings, resulting in significant gains or losses in the value of your investment.

According to the ASX/Russell Investments report, Australian shares have averaged 4% annual gross returns over the last ten years. This makes it the second-lowest-returning of the four Australian asset classes. But keep in mind that this period included the Great Recession.


According to the ASX/Russell Investments 2018 Long-Term Investing Report, over the ten years to December 2017, Australian residential investment property generated an average annual gross return of 8%.

The Australian housing market has struggled for the past two years, but it has begun to recover. Following a year of decline, both the Sydney and Melbourne markets are showing signs of recovery. In the third quarter of 2019, both cities witnessed property value increases of 5% or more.

Fixed Income (Bonds)

Fixed-income assets, such as government and corporate bonds, are frequently thought to provide a reasonably constant and predictable return. When you buy a government bond, you lend the government money, which they will repay with interest. Throughout the term of the bond, you will be paid interest in monthly instalments.

Although some investors may find fixed income assets dull, including them in your investment portfolio can assist in balancing any losses you may have had in the stock market- hence their designation as a “defensive” asset.

Managed Funds

An investment company pools your money with other investors on your behalf in a managed fund (also known as a managed portfolio). A managed fund might specialise in a single asset class; for instance, Australian shares managed fund will exclusively invest in Australian firms. It can also be a diversified managed fund with a combination of cash, stocks, and real estate.

One of the advantages of pooling your assets in this way is that you may have access to investments and a level of diversity that you wouldn’t have access to as an individual.

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs)

It is a managed fund that tracks a certain asset or market index and may be purchased and sold on a stock exchange, such as the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). ETFs are typically referred to as “passive” investments because most investment products attempt to track an index rather than outperform it. It implies that the value of your ETF investment will fluctuate in lockstep with the index it tracks.

ETFs are often easier to purchase and sell than other forms of financial products, and they have lower costs. They are part of a broader category of financial products known as exchange-traded products, or ETPs purchased and sold on a stock exchange.


Annuities are a popular retirement choice because they provide a fixed income independent of market fluctuations. These can take the shape of a series of regular payments made over a specific period (fixed-term) or for the rest of your life (lifetime annuity).

 The payments you get will be determined by factors such as the amount you put in and actuarial calculations, which use economic and demographic trends to forecast future results.

Real estate investment trusts (REITs)

An annuity can be purchased with either your super or your regular savings. It’s worth noting, though, that if you’re paying with your super, you won’t be able to access the funds until you reach preservation age and retire.


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